Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master
MSc&T Alumna - Bhavna Choudhury
MSc&T Alumna - Bhavna Choudhury
Bhavna Choudhury, Alumni EDACF.
Let’s find out what our MSc&T graduates have become!
Master of Science & Technology
The MSc&T Student Board
The MSc&T Student Board
The student council of the Master of Science and Technology Program, known as Bureau des Elèves or BDE in French was created in 2019.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science Alumni - Matthieu at ETH Zürich
Bachelor of Science Alumni - Matthieu at ETH Zürich

Bachelor of Science
Inauguration of the new ‘Foyer Bachelor’
Inauguration of the new ‘Foyer Bachelor’

Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master
MSc&T Alumni: The student at Cambridge University
MSc&T Alumni: The student at Cambridge University
Where are they now? Let’s find out what our MSc&T graduates have become!
Louis, student in the Public Policy at the University of Cambridge & alumnus of the EDACF Master program.
Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science class of 2021 Graduate outcomes
Bachelor of Science class of 2021 Graduate outcomes

Data Science & AI For Business Master (Joint Degree with HEC)
MSc&T Alumni: Data Scientist
MSc&T Alumni: Data Scientist
Where are they now? Let’s find out what our MSc&T graduates have become!
Corentin, Data Science intern at Rothschild and Co, Paris & alumnus of the DSB Master program.
Visual and Creative Artificial Intelligence (ViCAI)
MSc&T Alumni - PhD candidate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
MSc&T Alumni - PhD candidate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning
Where are they now? Let’s find out what our MSc&T graduates have become!
Anh-Quan, PhD candidate in Computer Vision and Machine Learning & alumnus of the AI-ViC Master program.
Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance Master
MSc&T Alumni - Consultant in digital transformation
MSc&T Alumni - Consultant in digital transformation
Where are they now? Let’s find out what our MSc&T graduates have become!Bachelor of Science
BX24 - Integration weekend
BX24 - Integration weekend

Master of Science & Technology
MSc&T programs: 2021 Welcome Day
MSc&T programs: 2021 Welcome Day
Discover the arrival of the new MSc&T promotion on campus!Welcome to our new students, we wish you a wonderful experience at Ecole Polytechnique!

Bachelor of Science
Bachelor of Science: BX24 Welcome Day
Bachelor of Science: BX24 Welcome Day
Discover the arrival of the BX24 students on campus!Welcome to our new students, we wish you a wonderful experience at Ecole Polytechnique!