Program Overview

The Research Program for International Talents gives undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral students from international partner universities of the École polytechnique the opportunity to complete a 3- to 6-month research project in one of the laboratories.

Each year in October, the International Affairs Office sends a call for applications to the laboratories of the Ecole Polytechnique and, at the end of November at the latest, the research subjects are listed below. Find out more about the selection process here.

Located in the heart of the Saclay research cluster, the l'X laboratories offer the chance to work on cutting-edge research topics in a highly internationalized environment.

With 23 research facilities devoted to 8 major specialized or transverse fields, 600 researchers and a €95-million research budget, l'X is ranked 66th in the world for the scientific impact of its publications and for the number of articles co-authored with international institutions (Leiden ranking).

Subjects - Year 2025

Please note that the research subjects presented below are valid for the academic year 2025.
Research subjects are updated at the end of November at the latest each year.

 Title SupervisorCode
 Marangoni flows, instability and complex patterns at a free surfaceSébastien MichelinLadHyX3
 Swimming in stratified environmentsSébastien MichelinLadHyX4
 Making microdroplets swim using microorganismsGabriel AmselemLadHyX5
 Assessment and Improvement of an Imaging Mueller Polarimetric System for NeurosurgeryTatiana Novikova LPICM1
 Development of near-field Raman spectroscopy in liquids and applications Aleix Guell  LPICM2 
 Picosecond laser diagnostics at the service of plasma physics Svetlana Starikovskaia LPP1 
 Theoretical investigation of III-V/Si interface for integrated photonics applications Jelena Sjakste LSI1 
 Quantum optical control via acousto-magneto-plasmonic interactionsVasily TemnovLSI2
 Development of Compact Electron Focussing and Deflecting DevicesArnd SpeckaLLR1
 Modelling electronic density fluctuations with time-dependent density functional theory Nathalie Vast LSI3
 Modelling point defects for quantum application Nathalie Vast LSI4
 Study of the transport properties of boron-rich solids from ab initio calculations: thermal, electricalNathalie VastLSI5
 Tomography and inverse scatteringR.G. NovikovCMAP01
 Small molecule activation by low-valent metal complexes Thomas Simler LCM1
 Iminophosphorane supported complexes for optics and/or catalysis Audrey Auffrant LCM2
 NMR method development for biomass mixtures by hyperpolarization using lightCovadonga Lucas-TorresLCM3
 Synthesis of potentially biologically active beta-carboline derivatives Yvan Six LSO1
 Metal Organic Frameworks Thin LayersCatherine de VilleneuvePMC1
 Translation and Degradation of eukaryotic mRNAsMarc GrailleBIOC1
 Actin cytoskeleton and cell migrationAlexis GautreauBIOC2
 Morphogenesis and plasticity of plants organs specialized in dispersalArezki Boudaoud & Stéphanie DrevensekLadHyX1
 Runtime Analysis of Randomized Search Heuristics Benjamin Doerr & Martin Krejca LIX1 
 Theoretical Analysis of Stochastic Infection Processes Martin Krejca LIX2 
 From Shallow to Deep InferenceLutz Strassburger LIX3 
  Memorability of Visual Stories: Emotion, Place, and Narrative Vicky Kalogeiton LIX4 
 Novel Deep Learning approaches for 3D shape synthesis and analysisMaks OvsjanikovLIX5
 Impact of drops on concave surfaces and plant dispersal by rainArezki Boudaoud & Stéphanie DrevensekLadHyX2
 Sedimentation of diatom chain coloniesBlaise DelmotteLadHyX6
 Drop impact on a pool of immiscible liquid Marie-Jean Thoraval LadHyX7

It is possible to apply for a subject not listed above, developed as part of a collaboration and with the agreement of the tutor and the Research Program coordinators. In this case, please select the "Specific subject defined with the supervisor" option in the application form.
