Webinar Replay - Innovating for a Better World: Exploring the Environmental Engineering Master's Program
Webinar Replay - Economics Programs
Webinar Replay - MSc&T in Artificial Intelligence & Advanced Visual Computing
Webinar Replay - Msc&T Energy Environment: Science Technology and Management
Webinar Replay - Msc&T Economics for smart Cities and Climate Policy
Webinar Replay - MSc&T Data and Economics for Public Policy
Webinar Replay - MSc&T Economics, Data Analytics and Corporate Finance
Webinar Replay - MSc&T Cybersecurity
Webinar Replay - Bachelors Presentation
Bachelor Thesis - Jade Rakotondradano
During the last semester of the Bachelor of Science, students work on the Bachelor Thesis a lab-based research internship. The thesis provides students an opportunity to pursue a directed, focused, and individual research project linked to the students' double major.Bachelor Thesis - Alejandro Christlieb
During the last semester of the Bachelor of Science, students work on the Bachelor Thesis a lab-based research internship. The thesis provides students an opportunity to pursue a directed, focused, and individual research project linked to the students' double major.Bachelor Thesis - Raphaëlle Ramanantsoa
During the last semester of the Bachelor of Science, students work on the Bachelor Thesis a lab-based research internship. The thesis provides students an opportunity to pursue a directed, focused, and individual research project linked to the students' double major.