Meet Patricia Crifo, program director
Patricia Crifo is Professor of Economics at Ecole Polytechnique, member of CREST (CNRS), and associate researcher at CIRANO (Montreal, Ca).
At Ecole Polytechnique, she is director of the Master Economics for smart cities and climate policy, and of the Sustainable Finance and Responsible Investment IdR (TSE-Ecole Polytechnique), and deputy director of the interdisciplinary Energy4Climate center.
A specialist in finance and sustainable development, corporate social and environmental responsibility, governance and work organization, she has published in international and national journals such as Industrial Relations, Journal of Corporate Finance, Journal of Banking and Finance, Journal of Business Ethics, International Journal of Production Economics, Labour Economics, Macroeconomic Dynamics, Review of Economics Dynamics.
Patricia Crifo also sits on a number of bodies and expert committees on sustainable development and SRI - including the ACPR's Commission Climat et Finance Durable (she is vice-chair).
Patricia Crifo holds a PhD in Economics and is an alumnus of Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris Saclay, she was nominated for the Best Young Economist prize by Le Monde / Cercle des économistes in 2010, and was awarded the title of Chevalier de l'Ordre National du Mérite in 2014, and the Best Young Researcher prize in 2002 in Lyon. She began her career as a CNRS research fellow in 2005, and became a University Professor in 2006 (natioanl « agrégation » contest).
Geoffrey Barrows | Economic geography
Marc Bourreau | Digital economics
Dominique Bureau |Transportation economics
Beatrice Cherrier | History of economics
Zoï Christoforou |Traffic and Transportation systems in urban contexts
Patricia Crifo | Corporate environmental and social responsibility
Fanny Henriet | Environmental economics
Tanguy Janssen | Economics of energy
Guy Meunier | Agriculture, food and environment
Agustín Pérez-Barahona | Economics of biodiversity
Laura Recuero Virto | Econometrics
Aurore Remi / Traffic and transportation software
Pauline Rossi / Econometrics
Benoit Schmutz | Urban economics and real estate
Arne Uhlendorff | Econometrics