The goal of the MSc&T student board (MoX) is to give to current students the best experience they could hope for from their journey at Ecole Polytechnique, through the organization of many events and activities on campus.
The first MSc&T student board (MoX) was created in 2019. Its ex-President, Sylvain Daou, said a few words about its creation:
“The idea of creating a formal student association came to me from a simple observation: while engineering students had their ancestral Kès, and Bachelor students had just come up with their L’ORE, we, MSc&T students, still lacked a formal student representation. Previous attempts didn’t go until the end, which meant it was hard for everyone (the administration, other student associations, and MSc&T students themselves) to have an identifiable interlocutor when it came to student life."
The team is composed of:
- a President
- a treasurer
- a communication representative
- an integration representative
- a sport representative
- an event representative
Though the roles are always evolving, the MoX has now a legal status, a bank account and partnerships with other associations on campus. The association continues to work on improving the student life and the integration of MSc&T students on campus.