A graduate of Aalborg University, Denmark (M.Sc., PhD – civilingeniør, cand.polyt), Thomas has, since 2004 been on faculty at Ecole Polytechnique, France’s premiere technical and scientific university, where as a professor, he holds the Cisco endowed “Internet of Everything” academic chaire.
At Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas leads the computer networking research group. He has developed, and coordinates, the computer networking curriculum, and coordinates the M.Sc.T programme “IoT: Innovation and Management”. He has published more than 100 peer-reviewed academic publications, and has authored and edited 24 IETF, Standards. Thomas has also consulted for the development of IEEE 802.11s, and has contributed the routing portions of the ITU-T G.9903 standard for G3-PLC networks – upon which, e.g., the current SmartGrid & ConnectedEnergy initiatives are built.
Thomas is a senior member of the IEEE, and was named an “IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor”, as part of the 2021 inaugural class.
Yvan Bonnassieux | Website
Professor at Ecole polytechnique. Yvan Bonnassieux is co-Director of the Technology Venture Master Program at Ecole Polytechnique and is responsable for the research team "Large Area Electronics" at École Polytechnique. He holds a Ph.D. from the École Normale Supérieure de Cachan. Expertise include: Organic Electronics, Electrical Engineering, Microelectronics and Semiconductor Engineering, Self-Assembled Monolayers, X-Ray Scattering, Polymeric Materials, Electronic Engineering, Compact Modeling, Physical electronic device modeling
Julien Cervelle | Website
Course taught in the program: Network Security
Professor at Université Paris-Est Créteil Val-de-Marne - Algorithmic, Complexity and Logic Laboratory.
Philippe Chassignet |
Course taught in the program: Introduction to Programming: Practical Data Structures and Algorithms
Philippe Chassignet graduated from Ecole Polytechnique (now with Paris Saclay University) Engineering Program in 1981. He received a MSc in Computer Science from University of Paris XI (now with Paris Saclay University) in 1982 and a PhD from Ecole Polytechnique, in 2012. He is a tenured Associate Professor in Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique, engaged in teaching at undergraduate and graduate level, currently on introduction to programming, bioinformatics and networking, formerly on topics such as algorithmics and image processing. He is also researcher at LIX (Lab. of Computer Science at Ecole Polytechnique), currently as member of AMIB team (Algorithms and Models for Biology), working on structure prediction and combinatorics of biological sequences. Former activities focused on medical image processing an, in particular, bone age assessment from hand radiographs.
Thomas Heide Clausen | Website
Courses taught in the program: "Introduction to Concurrent and Communicating Systems", "Advanced Computer Networks"
A graduate of Aalborg University, Denmark (M.Sc., PhD – civilingeniør, cand.polyt), Thomas has, since 2004 been on faculty at Ecole Polytechnique, France’s premiere technical and scientific university. At Ecole Polytechnique, Thomas leads the computer networking research group. He has developed, and coordinates, the computer networking curriculum, and co-coordinates the Masters program in “Advanced Communication Networks” (ACN), as well as the Graduate Degree Program “Internet of Things: Innovation and Management”. Additionally, Thomas coordinates the Cisco “Internet of Everything” academic chaire. He has published more than 70 peer-reviewed academic publications (which have attracted close to 10000 citations) and has authored and edited 19 IETF Standards, has consulted for the development of IEEE 802.11s, and has contributed the routing portions of the recently ratified ITU-T G.9903 standard for G3-PLC networks – upon which, e.g., the current SmartGrid & ConnectedEnergy initiatives are built. He serves on the scientific council of SmartGridsFrance.
Berengere Lebental | Website
Bérengère Lebental graduated from Ecole Polytechnique (Paris Saclay University, France) Engineering Program in 2006, received two MSc in Physics and Nanotechnology from Ecole Polytechnique in 2007, and her PhD from Université Paris-Est, France, in 2010 (ENPC-PariTech PhD award in 2011). Since 2010, she is research scientist at IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science and Technology of Tranportat, Development and Network) and at LPICM (Laboratory of Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films, a joined research team between Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS). A physicist specialized in the nanoelectronics of carbon-based nanomaterials, her research focuses on the development of reproducible and reliable nanosensors for applications to urban sustainability, with a focus on micromechanical and chemical sensing. She coordinates the 9M€ French Equipment Program Sense-City and the 4M€ European research project Proteus on water quality monitoring.
Jeremy Pappalardo
Course taught in the program: Intellectual Property Rights
Xavier Rival | Website
Course taught in the program: "Protocol Safety Verification and Validation"
A research director at INRIA, Xavier works on static analysis for the verification of semantic properties of programs. His main focus is on abstract interpretation and more specifically on symbolic abstractions, and static analysis of embedded, safety critical software.
Mark Townsley | Website
Course taught in the program: Protocol and Technology Success
Mark Townsley is a Cisco Fellow currently focused on the challenges of IPv4 address exhaustion and IPv6 deployment. Mark has over 20 years experience as a software engineer, joining Cisco from IBM in 1997. Mark’s first task at Cisco was the implementation of L2TP in Cisco’s IOS, as well as the scaling of virtual interfaces in IOS to support the new challenges of large-scale dialup and broadband deployment. Mark has authored a number of IETF RFCs including the L2TP specification itself (RFC 2661), served as co-chair of the IETF L2TP Extensions Working Group, Technical Advisor to the IETF PWE3 Working Group, and two terms as IETF Internet Area Director and member of the IESG as well as IESG liaison to the Internet Architecture Board (IAB). As Internet Area Director, Mark was responsible for the standardization of a number of Internet protocols, including IPv6, DNS, MPLS VPNs, Pseudowires, DHCP, PPP, L2TP, and Mobile IP, among others. Mark earned his BS in Electrical Engineering from Auburn University and MS in Computer Science from Johns Hopkins University. He also teaches part-time at École Polytechnique. When not traveling, Mark lives with his wife and family in Paris, France.
Jiazi Yi | Website
Jiazi Yi is currently a research engineer at Ecole Polytechnique. Jiazi got his Ph.D from University of Nantes, in 2010, a M.Sc. in Electronic System from Polytech’Nantes (France), and a M.Sc. in Computer Science, South China University of Technology.