About The Competitive Entrance Exam

In order to be admitted to the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program, applicants need to pass an entrance examination in two steps: admissibility and then admission.

At Ecole Polytechnique, we believe that every student deserves a chance to succeed. Our rigorous Entrance Exam makes the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program the best Master of Engineering, Science and Technology in France and ensures that only the best students get in.

Depending on which undergraduate studies applicants have followed and their nationality, they qualify for one of our 4 different entrance exams. As we understand that not all students have studied the same majors depending on their background, the entrance exam is adapted to your undergraduate diploma.

To find out which track you belong to, please go to one of the sections:


I am a French Student

Classes préparatoires track (CPGE)

This track is for students coming from preparatory classes to the entrance examination to Engineering School (classes préparatoires) taught in France.

This track is open to French and international applicants who take such classes.

French students: YES
International students: YES

French University Track (UNIV-FUF)

The French University Track is made for students fitting either of these two criteria:

  • International or French students from French universities
  • French students from international universities

French students: YES
International students: YES

I am an International Student

Classes préparatoires track (CPGE)

This track is for students coming from preparatory classes to the entrance examination to Engineering School (classes préparatoires) taught in France.

This track is open to French and international applicants who take such classes.

French students: YES
International students: YES

French University Track (UNIV-FUF)

The French University Track is made for students fitting either of these two criteria:

  • International or French students from French universities
  • French students from international universities

French students: YES
International students: YES

International University Track (UNIV-FUI)

The International University Track is open to international students enrolled in higher studies at international universities. Out of the 4 tracks, this is the only entrance exam track which can be taken in English.

French students: NO
International students: YES

International University Track - French education (UNIV-FUI-FF)

This International University Track – French Education is for international students coming from classes préparatoires (preparatory classes to the entrance examination to an Engineering School) taught abroad.

French students: NO
International students: YES