1- Senior Civil Service
Only French and EU citizens may study within a French government body.
- Army (Armée de Terre)
- Air Force (Armée de l’Air)
- French Navy (Marine Nationale)
- Gendarmerie
- Commissioner for the Armed Forces (Commissaire des Armées)
- Administrator for the French National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies (Administrateur de l’INSEE)
- Shipping Master (Administrateur des Affaires Maritimes)
- Defense Engineer (Ingénieur de l’armement)
- Ingénieur des Mines
- Ingénieur des Ponts, des Eaux et des Forêts

Students following this curriculum spend Year 4 at a partner engineering institution in France (or abroad for some programs). This track allows students to go beyond their comprehensive curriculum at École Polytechnique, giving them precise knowledge of the science, techniques and industrial applications involved in a specific sector.

- AGRO ParisTech
- CHIMIE ParisTech
- ENSA Paris-Val de Seine
- ENSAE Paris
- ENSTA Paris
- ENSTA Bretagne
- ESPCI ParisTech
- Grenoble-INP ENSIMAG
- HEC Paris
- IFP School
- IMT Atlantique
- MINES Paris
- PONTS ParisTech
- SciencesPo
- Télécom Paris
Students who wish to pursue this track can study their master’s degree at Ecole Polytechnique through either an English-taught, industry- and research-oriented Master of Science and Technology Program, or a French-taught Master of Research Program. They also have the opportunity to complete a master’s degree at a renowned university in France or abroad.
Traditionally, master’s degrees are taught over 2 years. Students from the Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program wishing to pursue a master’s degree at École Polytechnique must enter their chosen program in Year 2. For all master’s programs from other universities, acceptance onto a master’s program in Year 2 is subject to review of the student’s application file and may not be possible at some universities.
After completing a master’s degree, you will be eligible to continue your studies at the PhD level at École Polytechnique or another university in France or abroad.

With more than 200 master’s degrees available abroad to our Ingénieur Polytechnicien students, you have a wide array of choices for your master’s in terms of location and specialization. There are three types of classification for international programs:
- Category 1: master’s programs that are part of a cooperation agreement, which include a total tuition fee waiver. We have partnerships with top universities like FU Berlin (Germany), TU München (Germany), École Polytechnique de Montréal (Canada), Pontifica Unversidad Católica de Chile (Chile), Politecnico di Milano (Italy), the National University of Singapore (Singapore), École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland) etc.
- Category 2: master’s programs outside of a cooperation agreement, which require that tuition fees be paid to the institution upon arrival. These institutions include Université Libre de Bruxelles (Belgium), Tsinghua University (China), Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China), Technion (Israel), ETH Zürich (Switzerland), Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia), NTNU (Norway) etc.
- Category 3: master’s programs outside of a cooperation agreement, which require that tuition fees be paid to the institution upon arrival. The application process is more complex and may include entrance exams. Students can attend institutions such as the University of New South Wales (Australia), McGill University (Canada), the University of California, Berkeley (USA), Columbia University (USA), CalTech (USA), Harvard University (USA), MIT (USA), NYU (USA), Stanford (USA), Imperial College (UK), LSE (UK), the University of Cambridge (UK), the University of Oxford (UK), the University of Tokyo (Japan) etc.
- Other universities: on a case-by-case basis, École Polytechnique may allow students to go to universities not on the approved list for Year 4, provided that the chosen university offers a level of education on par with the other top-level universities.
- Space and Aeronautics
- Economics
- Chemical Engineering
- Process Engineering
- Biomedical Engineering
- Biological Engineering
- Agro-food Engineering
- Civil Engineering and Transports
- Environmental Engineering
- Industrial Engineering
- Operations Research
- Technological Engineering
- Energy Engineering
- Nuclear Engineering
- Physics Engineering
- Pure Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics
- Computer Science
- Financial Mathematics
- Mechanics, Mechanical Engineering
- Materials Engineering and Sciences
- Atmospheric, Ocean and Earth Sciences
- Electrical, Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering
- Public Administration
- International Relations