78% are employed before graduation
45% are hired in companies with more than 5,000 employees
58.6K € is the average gross annual salary
74% are employees of a company
- 63% work in the Industry
- 17% work in Consultancy
- 15% work in Banks/Insurances
- 22% in the UK
- 7% in Germany
- 6% in China
- 4% in India
- 4% in the Netherlands
10% pursue their studies with a PhD
- 30% follow a PhD in IT
- 30% follow a PhD in Engineering and Science Materials
- 20% follow a PhD in Environment Science
- 64% in France
- 9% in China
- 9% in the USA
- 9% in Germany
- 9% in Switzerland
6% launch their own company
- 67% launch their own companies in the Industry
- 33% launch their own companies in Banks/Insurances
- 16% companies were launched in 2020
- 68% companies were launched in 2021
- 16% companies were launched in 2022