Program Overview

The MSc&T “Data and Economics for Public Policy” is a program designed to allow graduates to harness the power of data science and economic analysis for the framing, formulation and implementation of contemporary public policies.

The program provides students a combination of strong technical skills, problem-solving, and sound skills in social sciences and management.
It has a unique positioning in French leading engineering schools that are training high level policy leaders for over two centuries.

Master's Degree
Public and Private sectors oriented
2 Years
Taught in English
In France
140 ECTS
Picto-PROGRAM-carte bleue
€ 14, 900

Program Structure


Meeting modern society’s grand challenges is a key aspect of the MSc&T "Data and Economics for Public Policy".
A program entirely taught in English with a unique positioning in French leading engineering schools that are training high level policy leaders for over two centuries.

In 2 years, students gain problem-solving, quantitative and managerial skills. At a time of heightened concern about economic development, labor, poverty, social equity, education, health and the environment, this MSc&T program gives students the tools to develop effective, evidence-based solutions and equip them with knowledge and understanding needed to reform and enhance public policies - with a focus on the quantitative methods in the framing, analysis, and resolution of public policy problems.

Academic Prerequisites

The program is designed for students interested in the application of quantitative methods to public policy. A good quantitative background is recommanded. The MSc&T « Data and Economics for Public Policy » is primarily designed to French and foreign students with (but not limited to) :

  • Foreign or French Engineers’ degree (or equivalent) with solid skills in mathematics and a minor in economics
  • Foreign students with a bachelor’s degree (or equivalent) with solid skills in mathematics and economics
  • French students with excellent results in a licence such as:
    • Mathématiques et Informatique Appliquées aux Sciences Humaines et sociales (MIASHS)
    • Mathématiques appliquées aux sciences sociales (MASS)
    • Econométrie


The program is designed to be completed in 2 years (Master's Degree). It requires 140ECTS including two internships and an applied project (Policy in Action project).

Specialization is offered in year 2:


Each semester is organized as follows:

  • Mandatory courses
  • Elective courses
  • Transverses courses
  • Lecture series and/or applied projects

Each year is characterized by an end-of-year internship of at least 12 weeks.


The program emphasizes knowledge application. Based on internships, lecture series and applied projects, the program aims to provide students with a detailed and concrete knowledge of public policy.

  • Lecture series in Public Policy given by professionals
  • Internships
  • Innovative courses on implementation and program evaluation
  • Applied projects (public policy in action)
placeholder portait


Decision-making in public affairs is now more informed by data than ever before.
The strength and originality of the MSc&T is to offer a program that is at the nexus of data science, statistics and economics relying on the expertise of the French leading "grande école" engineering schools (Ecole Polytechnique and ENSAE in collaboration with Telecom).
The program focuses on the increasingly central role of data in the framing, formulation and implementation of contemporary public policies.

Learn more about:


The MSc&T « Data and Economics for Public Policy » opens the door to wide range of professional opportunities. Placement of graduates is expected in all organizations involved in the development, analysis or implementation of public policy in France and abroad.
The MSc&T prepares students to become leaders and public policy analysts in governments, international organizations, non-profit organizations. It also offers opportunities to become consultants in the private sector.
While the MSc&T are mainly geared towards students who plan to enter industry immediately following graduation, they also meet the European prerequisites for admission onto a PhD program.


The Housing Office helps students apply for the French National Housing Benefit "CAF". Students usually receive financial aid of €150-200 per month.
All our students receive the ISIC card (International Student Identity Card) automatically and free of charge. This gives them access to preferential and discounted rates for over 150,000 products, services and experiences, relevant to all aspects of student life.
Additional scholarship opportunities can be found on the CampusFrance website (e.g. French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Development for international students). Please note that French "CROUS" scholarships are not compatible with this degree.

Academic Partners

Cours des comptes

The Cour des comptes is the supreme body for auditing the use of public funds in France. It is independent from the Government and Parliament. It has financial jurisdiction and is in charge of auditing, issuing rulings and certifying the State and Social Security accounts, as well as contributing to the evaluation of public policies.


The Department of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics (Drees) is a department of the central administration of the health and social ministries.
Its vocation is to provide public decision-makers, citizens, and economic and social leaders with reliable information and analyzes on populations and health and social policies.

logo de la DGFIP

The Public Finance Department (DGFIP) is a department of the French central public administration, part of the Ministry of the Economy, Finance and Industrial and Digital Sovereignty. It is involved in the management of public finances in France, in terms of expenditure and revenue.

logo unédic

Unédic is a non-profit organization founded in 1958 by the Social Partners to manage Unemployment Insurance in France. Unédic produces evaluations and studies on labour market evolutions and efficiency of specific Unemployment insurance mechanisms to help Social Partners and public authorities' decision-making process.

Logo Eco lab

Ecolab is the innovation laboratory serving the ecological transition, within the General Commission for Sustainable Development. Its scope of action ranges from the transport sector to energy, including housing, circular economy, environmental health, biodiversity, responsible digital technology, the prevention of natural and industrial risks, and maritime issues.


The Arcep is an independent administrative authority. Responsible for regulating the electronic communications, postal services, and press distribution sectors. The organization was created to ensure that no economic or political power can control or limit the ability of citizens, businesses, and innovators to communicate. As a neutral and expert body, Arcep acts as both an architect and protector of communication networks, treating them as public resources.