Please note this list is indicative of the structure of the degree and may be subject to change.

Year 1 (70 ECTS)

Period 1 (Sept-Dec)


ECO530 – Refresher in Econometrics
ECO531 – Refresher in Microeconomics

3 mandatory courses: 3x4 ECTS
ECO552A Applied Econometrics 1
ECO554 Corporate Finance
ECO556 Industrial Organization

1 mandatory courses: 2 ECTS

ECO574 Python

1 elective course to choose among: 4 ECTS

ECO553 Financial Decisions under Risk 1
ECO557 Market Design
ECO559 Urban Eco. & Real Estate
ECO570 Blockchain 1 : Bitcoin and Smart-Contracts
ECO572 Environmental economics
ECO579 Case Studies in Corporate Finance
ECO579B Private Equity

Period 2 (January to March)

3 mandatory core courses: 3x4 ECTS

ECO562A Applied Econometrics II
ECO568 Advanced Corporate Finance
ECO583 Business Economics

1 elective course to choose among: 4 ECTS
ECO580 Competition Policy
ECO582 Financial Decisions under Risk 2
ECO584 Merger & Acquisition (ENSAE)
ECO587 Behavioral Finance
ECO588 Digital Economics
ECO664 Blockchain 2: Advanced topics on Blockchain and Platform Design
ECO683 Seminar in Quantitative Marketing (ENSAE)
ECO581 Economics of biodiversity
ECO569 Environmental Economics II (prerequisite course ECO572)
ECO567A Energy economics with a geography focus
ECO566 Law and Finance (new course)

1 Mandatory games (2 ECTS):

ECO563A Sectorial strategic simulation (2 ECTS)

Transverse Courses

  • MIE/ECO611C Lecture series in Public Policy 6 ECTS
  • Two modules of Humanities and French Culture (HFC) 3 ECTS
  • Sport (2 ECTS)
  • One Foreign language module (French language module for non-speaking students) 3 ECTS

Third period

ECO591 - 16 week Research Project or Internship at a Company 20 ECTS

Year 2 (70 ECTS)

Please note this list is indicative of the structure of the program and may be subject to change

In Year 2, students choose one of the two specializations : Finance or Economics

First periode


2 Mandatory Courses 2x4 ECTS

ECO651 - Econometrics of Competition
ECO652 - Valuation of Start ups

1 Mandatory MIE course (3 ECTS)

MIE554 Business Model in a digital era

2 elective courses (pick 2 courses and at least 1 in the chosen Track ): 2x 4ECTS

Mandatory courses ECO652 and ECO650 can be chosen as electives by students who have selected the other Track (the second elective must be in the right Track)

ECO553 Financial Decisions under Risk 1
ECO570 Blockchain 1 : Bitcoin and Smart-Contracts
ECO579 Case Studies in Corporate Finance
ECO579B Private Equity


2 Mandatory Courses (2x4 ECTS)

ECO650 - Firms & Markets
ECO651 - Econometrics of Competition

1 Mandatory MIE course (3 ECTS)

MIE554 Business Model in a digital era   

2 elective courses (pick 2 courses and at least 1 in the chosen Track ) (2x 4ECTS)

Mandatory courses ECO652 and ECO652 can be chosen as electives by students  who have selected the the other Track (the second elective must be in the right Track)

ECO559 Urban Eco. & Real Estate
ECO572 Environmental Economics
ECO655 Dynamic pricing and revenue management (ENSAE)

Second Periode


2 Mandatory Courses: 2x4 ECTS

ECO563 - Financial Markets
ECO680A- Big Data

1 Mandatory Workshop or MIE course: 3 ECTS

ECO611A Lecture series in Finance and Economics

2 Elective courses (pick 2 courses and at least 1 in the chosen Track ) (2x4ECTS)

Mandatory courses ECO563 and ECO660 can be chosen as electives by students  who have selected the other Track (the second elective must be in the right Track)

ECO582 Financial Decisions under Risk 2 
Prerequisite course: ECO553
ECO584 Merger & Acquisition (ENSAE)
Attention: starts in February
ECO587 Behavioral Finance
ECO566 Law and Finance (new course)


2 Mandatory Courses (2x4ECTS)

ECO660 - New Technologies and the sharing Economy
ECO680A- Big Data

1 Mandatory Workshop or MIE course (3 ECTS)

ECO611A Lecture series in Finance and Economics

2 Elective courses (pick 2 courses and at least 1 in the chosen Track ) (2x4ECTS)
Mandatory courses ECO563 and ECO563 can be chosen as electives by students  who have selected the the other Track (the second elective must be in the right Track)

ECO580 Competition Policy
ECO588 Digital Economics
ECO683 Seminar in Quantitative Marketing (at ENSAE)
Attention: starts at the end of January

ECO581 Economics of biodiversity
ECO569 Environmental Economics II
ECO567A Energy economics with a geography focus

Transverse courses

  • One Foreign language module 3 ECTS
  • Two modules of Humanities and French Culture (HFC) 3 ECTS
  • Sport 2 ECTS

Third period

ECO691 - 20 week Research or industrial internship (up to 24 weeks) 24 ECTS