Exchange year: Vanille Bourre, Bachelor student at King’s College.
Discover the Bachelor student organization: the L’ORE
What is it like to be a MSc&T student? Gleb Gorbatsevich in EDCAF
What is it like to be a MSc&T student? Moira Torres Aguilar in STEEM
Hackathon Covid-19
Covid-19: Latest Update
What is it like to be a MSc&T student ? - Dmitry Pastukhov in EDACF
MSc&T and internships: Benyamin at l'IPVF
Let's find more about the internships of MSc&T students at École Polytechnique.Exchange semester: Carolina COSTA LOPES, visiting student from King’s College.
Discover what a semester abroad looks like through the eyes of our students.First Employment Survey
Discover the daily life of MSc&T students at École Polytechnique.What is it like to be a MSc&T student ? - Mauricio Viotti Cavalin in ECOSEM
Discover the daily life of MSc&T students at École Polytechnique.What is it like to be a MSc&T student ? - Anandita Agarwal in ECOSEM
Discover the daily life of MSc&T students at École Polytechnique.