What the bachelor of Science students do during the first year? Let's find out !


Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Sixtine Lyonnet, I’m French and British and grew up in Hong Kong and London. I am an 18-year-old first-year bachelor student at Ecole Polytechnique

Why did you choose the Bachelor of Science of Ecole Polytechnique?

What drew me to the program was the possibility to follow science classes in English with a structured and dense schedule which creates a supportive environment. In addition, what made the program stand out was the strong international community that is promoted here. It creates a simply unique place to live and study in.

Could you tell us how the first year is going?

Very well, the first semester was tough as the workload was important, but I’ve learned to find a balance between academics and leisure time and made so many great memories. The friendships I built and the community here as a whole are truly special.

Do you have a favourite course?

Yes, my favourite course so far is the computer science course: Algorithms. The aim of this class was to teach us different algorithms and programming techniques that are used as well as comparing their efficiency. We also learned how to formally prove that a program implementing an algorithm is correct.

What would be a great memory of your first year in the Program that you would like to share with future students?

I have a lot to choose from but to me, Campaign week is what truly represents the Bachelor spirit. It’s a week during which different student groups compete by organizing lots of activities for others to enjoy. The aim for the students in question is getting elected for the Lore, the student association. It enabled me to get to know some people of all three promotions.

What are your ambitions for the future?

I hope to pursue my studies in computer science. However, I am not sure in which field yet which is why I take every chance I get to listen to researchers and attend various conferences at Polytechnique to discover new fields and find the one I am most interested in.

Any piece of advice to future Bachelor students that you would like to share?

Don’t be scared to meet new people and make the most of all the opportunities you are offered here, whether it be academics related or not. Don’t forget to enjoy your student life too.