Could you please tell us a few words about the BX Physics Committee ?
The goal of the Physics Committee, also known as PhysiX, is to bridge the gap between the physics studied in the classroom and the kind of physics that can be explored for fun. Physics is a difficult subject, but it can be incredibly rewarding, and we try to bring some of those small rewards out there, “into the wild”. That being said, our aim is to attract future researchers and casual enthusiasts alike, in a laid-back environment united by our love of physics. While we’re generally perceived as one of the “serious” committees, our goal is still to have fun, above all. We are, essentially, a group of physics nerds with the backing of an official student organization, which allows us to be involved in plenty of activities.
What are the main activities and events ?
Our annual tradition has become the Physics Competition, where we suggest some fun physical situations, that the participants tackle in small teams. And, as with any reputable competition, a prize is at stake 😊 A somewhat newer idea, on a similar note, was organizing small, chill trivia quizzes. Another flagship of ours have been the Stargazing nights: whenever the skies were clear and some unusual astronomical phenomenon occurred, we gathered ourselves outside for a few enjoyable hours of looking at the sky. Last but definitely not least, we organize regular seminars, either entirely student-led or with the help of professors, which expose us to the many edges of physics.
Why did you want to join this committee ?
(This is Tudor writing this answer)
Personally, I have always been quite keen on the type of activities organized by the Physics Committee. Ever since early high school, I was involved in pop science activities, first as an attendee, but also as an organizer later on. So, I joined the physics committee as I believed in the importance of promoting this domain, of showing how fun it actually is. And of course, I joined knowing I would meet a few like-minded people to share a great time with.
How did the recruitment work ?
In general, we don’t have a fixed member list: we just announce our communication platforms and channels, and people who are interested attend! For the recruitment of the board, the “prepass” of the physics committee is the annual tradition since its inception where we pass on the responsibilities of the committee to the students of the next promotion. Near the end of the academic year, we have a call for applicants for the board and those interested are split into small groups and asked to organize a small physics committee event. From that, we try to judge the motivation and teamwork skills of the applicants and decide who gets to be on the next board. We have regular events and annual traditions, but each new board is free to add their unique flair to the committee!
How did you divide the work between all of the members ?
As we were a small board, of only 5 people, we preferred keeping the structure pretty flat. We divided tasks based on availability, personal preferences, and previous experience with different tasks. Roughly speaking, some roles came to be with time: for example, we had a president, someone in charge of communications, someone in charge of logistics, etc. However, we still had flexibility with roles: we were willing to cover for each other whenever a task needed to be done.
Did you work with other students associations ?
We have an upcoming joint event with the Bachelor Cinema Club: we are going to stream a 2.5 hr YouTube documentary on the big bang and the early universe. We are all looking forward to that!
What is/are the best memory/ies with physics committee ?
The best memory we have is of our first stargazing event last June. At that time Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn were visible to the naked eye in a straight line in the sky, just before sunrise. Even though it was the day before a final exam, we had so many Bachelor students, physics majors or not, that came out to the rugby field across the lake at 4AM to watch it!
Any piece of advice to future Bachelor students that you would like to share?
Actively participating in committees is the best way to engage in student life at the Bachelor: it lets you explore your interests, find new friends and gives you a break from all the studying. You could join the physics committee if you are into physics, another committee if you find one that interests you, or if you don’t, consider creating one yourself! It’s as easy as getting a few friends on board and talking to our student association, the L’ORE!