We asked 3 questions to Zakaria Belkhoja, Graduate Engineer from Ecole Polytechnique in 2007

Three Questions to Zakaria Belkhoja, X2003

Zakaria Belkhoja
Zakaria Belkhoja, from Tunisia, is an X2003. He graduated from École Polytechnique's Ingénieur Polytechnicien program in 2007. He is the Finance Director & Head of Strategy of MENINX HOLDING in Tunisia.

Why did you choose to study at l’X? What do you preserve from your cursus at l’X?

As I was a student at Lycée Saint-Louis (Paris) taking part to a preparatory class for the Grandes Ecoles, I heard about Ecole Polytechnique’s prestige thanks to an alumni.

If I should preserve one thing, I would say the quality of the academic learning in engineering sciences.

As an international student, was your cultural integration easy?

Coming from a country where French is frequently used aside Arabic to teach as well as to work, I was already used to speak French. Thus, the integration was easier for me and I spent some great times at l’X.

After your graduation, how did you manage to build your professional career?  

After a specialization in project management, I joined in 2008 Swicorp a MENA focused investment bank. In 2010, I joined BNP Paribas Corporate Finance as an Associate – M&A Energy Group based in Paris.

Consecutively to the revolution that occurred in Tunisia in 2011, I moved back to Tunis. Since 2014, I am holding the position of Finance Director & Head of Strategy within Meninx Holding.

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