École Polytechnique is more than just work - Discover what our Bachelor students have been up to.

Sports are part of École Polytechnique's DNA and the key to developing team spirit.

We offer students a wide range of sport facilities, from climbing to swimming, bodybuilding and more.

bachelor paris 2024

Team Spirit!

At the beginning of the year, students take part in a team building trip to get to know each other better. And to no one’s surprise, sports is on the agenda!

Students have 2 mandatory hours of sports per week and also have the opportunity to practice the sport of their choice in their free time, usually over the weekend. They benefit from outstanding facilities and a wide range of sports: climbing, swimming, boxing, bodybuilding, rowing, judo, badminton and tennis and more.

According to Jules, a French student, sports facilitated the development of team spirit among students during this team building trip and it enabled them to strengthen bonds. “Sports clear my head after a long and intense day of lessons, we’re all happy to have these two hours of physical activity, it’s a real breath of fresh air!”

Helping you go the extra mile

Although the Bachelor Program is a very demanding curriculum, some athletes and well-organized students still find some time to practice with students from other programs (Ingénieur Polytechnicien Program, Master's or Graduate Degree programs…). Some also take part in sporting events on campus such as the “Cross de l’X”. And if it’s not enough, the school Sports Club is also open to students for a rather low annual fee, so get your gears ready!

Frédéric Vialade, a Sports Instructor and Personal Development Coach reports: "I think sports are a major asset for personal development through the values of sharing, discipline, teamwork and surpassing oneself. Though the Bachelor students have different backgrounds and come from many different countries, sports make it possible to share common values”.