Erik Johnson
Program director
Simone Kotthaus
Program co-director


Yvan Bonnassieux | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Power electrical engineering for renewable energy
Smart grid for renewable energy
Advanced experimental smart grid

Sylvain Mailler | Research Scientist | Ecole des Ponts
Introduction to atmospheric composition : from processes to modelling and air quality regulations

Didier Dalmazzone | Associate Professor | ENSTA ParisTech
Chemical storage of energy - Renewable thermal energy

Olivier Doaré | Professor | ENSTA ParisTech
Fluid-structure couplings in offshore wind and marine renewable energies
Laboratory projects in hydro, wind and marine resources for renewable energy

Emmanuel de Langre | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Fluid-structure interactions

Ghislain de Marsily | French Academy of Sciences
Continental hydrology and water resources

Bernard Drévillon | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Physics of silicon solar cells

Philippe Drobinski | Associate Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Wind, solar and hydraulic potential: cases studies
Meteorology and environment

Jean-Michel Gauthier | Deloitte’s Chief Economist Officer for Energy & Resources & Associate Professor HEC
Industry organization
Project and portfolio management
Technology and innovation strategy
Designing and managing operations in the energy industry

Hervé Le Treut | French Academy of Sciences & Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Climate system dynamics: scientific problems and society challenges
Energetics and dynamics of the Earth system

Riwal Plougonven | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Mechanics for wind energy
Projects in mechanics for wind energy

Jean-Pierre Ponssard | Professor of economics | Ecole Polytechnique
New energies & new markets

Père Roca i Cabarrocas | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique & Director LPIM
Laboratory course in photovoltaic
Thin film photovoltaics


Alexandre Stegner | Associate Professor | Ecole Polytechnique
Wind, solar and hydraulic potential: cases studies
Hydro, wind and marine resources


Jordi Badosa | Researcher | LMD/IPSL       
Solar and wind energy resource assessment and performance evaluation

Michel Benoit | Professor | Ecole Centrale Marseille     
Sea State, Coastal Waves and Morphodynamics

Xavier Bonnaud | Architect | Associate Professor Ecole Polytechnique       
Urbanism and Sustainability: exploring the cities’ metamorphosis in the XXIst century

Cyril Crevoisier | Research Scientist | CNRS      
Greenhouse gases (GHG) challenges and observations

Jérôme Fortin | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique       
Continental hydrology and water resources

Benoît Gabrielle | Professor | AgroParisTech       
Introduction to biomass and bioenergy

Michel Gonin | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique      
Energy and environment

Jean-François Guillemoles | Professor | Ecole Polytechnique       
Physics of the direct energy conversion and storage - Material science for energy

Gilles Horowitz | Research Scientist | CNRS       
Polymers for photovoltaics

Fawaz Massouh | Professor | ENSAM      
Wind energy

Guy Meunier | Economist | INRA       
Valuing and Managing Natural Resources

Pierre-Alain Roche | French Ministry of Environment        
Continental hydrology and water resources

Jean-François Roussel | Director, Space Environement Departement | ONERA
Radiation and Climate