Veuillez noter que cette liste est indicative de la structure du diplôme et peut être soumise à des changements.
Remise à niveau
(ECO_51430_EP) ECO530 - Refresher in Econometrics
(ECO_51431_EP) ECO531 - Refresher in Microeconomics
4 cours obligatoires: 3 x 4 ECTS + 2 ECTS
(ECO_51059_EP) ECO559 Urban Economics and Real Estate
(ECO_51172_EP) ECO572 Environmental economics and Policies in cities
(ECO_51052_EP) ECO552A Applied Econometrics
(ECO_51474_EP) ECO574 Python (2 ECTS)
Deux cours obligatoires (2 x 4 ECTS):
(ECO_52062_EP) ECO562A Applied Econometrics 2
(ECO_52461_EP) ECO661 Cities and Transportation
1 cours à option à choisir parmi : 4 ECTS
(ECO_52067_EP) ECO567A - Energy economics with a geography focus
(ECO_52188_EP) ECO588 - Digital Economics
(ECO_52181_EP) ECO581 - Economics of Biodiversity
(ECO_52185_EP) ECO585 - Economists facing nature
(ECO_52069_EP) ECO569 - Environmental Economics 2
Un atelier obligatoire(3 ECTS):
(ECO_52413_EP) ECO512B Geographical information systems 1 Simon Georget (lundi ou mercredi PM?)
- PRJ_50412_EP) ECO512A Capstone project: Paris climate action plan evaluation I 7 ECTS
- (MDC_50411_EP) MIE/ECO611C Lecture Series in Public Policy
- Two modules of Humanities and French Culture (HFC) 3 ECTS
- Sport (jeudi AM) 2 ECTS
- One Foreign language module (French language module for non-French speaking students) 3ECTS
(INT_52403_EP) ECO594 16-week research or industrial internship 20 ECTS
Les étudiants ont accès à deux cours proposés par notre partenaire Telecom ParisTech de Master IREN
Deux cours obligatoires (2 x 4 ECTS):
(ECO_53453_EP ) ECO653 - Urban services and utilities
(ECO_53467_EP ) ECO567B - Traffic and Transportation systems in urban contexts
(ECO_53412_EP ) ECO612B - Python 2
Un cours en option (4 ECTS): (s'il choisi, l'étudiant n'aura qu'un seul cours facultatif à choisir au deuxième trimestre)
(ECO_53456_EP) ECO656 - COP Clmiat
Un cours obligatoire MIE course (3 ECTS):
(IME_51055_EP) MIE555 - Fundamentals of Strategy and Innovation
Deux cours obligatoires (3 x 4 ECTS):
(ECO_54465_EP ) ECO665 - GIS and public policies
(ECO_52064_EP ) ECO564 - Economics of energy sectors
Deux cours à option à choisir parmis (2 x 4 ECTS):
(ECO_52067_EP ) ECO567A - Energy Economics with a Geography focus
(ECO_52188_EP ) ECO588 - Digital Economics
(ECO_52181_EP ) ECO581 - Economics of Biodiversty
(ECO_52185_EP ) ECO585 - Economists facing nature
(ECO_52069_EP ) ECO569 - Environmental Economics 2
(APM_4ML02_AE ) ECO566 - ENSAE Introduction to statistical/machine learning
Un atelier obligatoire (3 ECTS):
(ECO_54411_EP ) ECO611B Lecture Series SCUP
- (PRJ_50413_EP ) ECO612A - Capstone Project : Paris climate action plan evaluation II (7 ECTS)
- One Foreign language module (French language module for non-French speaking students) (3 ECTS)
- Two modules of Humanities and French Culture (HFC) (3 ECTS)
- Sport (2 ECTS)
(INT_54491_EP ) (ECO691) 20-week research or industrial internship (up to 24 weeks) (20 ECTS)